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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I choose...

To be thankful

I choose to be thankful that my sheet will be practically dry because the sun came out today.

I choose to be thankful that even though there is a high potential for my clothes to be stained blue from laundry detergent, I have a washer with a spin cycle

I choose to be thankful that even though I feel like I live off veggies and carbs, I will not go hungry

I choose to be thankful that I have heat, even though I threw off the covers 5 times last night and considered opening the door to let November night air in to my furnace of an apartment

I choose to be thankful for the ability write and to read even though I feel like I’m behind on writing to the people I love and I would much rather read then study for interior design

I choose to be thankful for a kitchen with a stove, oven and refrigerator that work. And yes I would love to have more than a frying pan, 2 pots and a baking dish, but I am thankful I have the means to cook so for that I am thankful

I choose to be thankful for the opportunity to learn about this miracle of an institution called the EU, even when there are so many unknowns

I choose to be thankful that I have more than enough and loved more than I can ever fathom

Hopefully this list of thanks made you smile, maybe even laugh, and made you think about the ways that you have been so richly blessed

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for you, even though you are far away I have email and skype and blog posts to feel like you're not that far. And I am thankful for the adventures that you are having and knowing that God is with you always!


Thanks for your sweet comment!