Tabs {Pages}

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Do you remember kindergarten and the 100th day of school?  I remember bits and pieces.  I mean it was a long time ago!  I think the reason I remember it most is because I have a brother and 2 sisters that went through it after me {I know…cheating}.  But…it was a big celebration!
This is the 100th published blog post on this little blog. 
It’s growing up! 
In the grand scheme of things this is a little thing and really it doesn’t mean much.  To me, it means that I’ve stuck with it.  I’ve kept going even when I feel like I’m the only one who even reads it or thinks about it.  Thanks for journeying with me, even on the weeks where maybe there was one {or nil} blog posts.  I am loving being able to blog.  I write way too many in my head and they just don’t make it to the page.  So thanks for sticking with me as I continually learn how to balance being a working student and blogger {and keep real life friends!}
I am so excited to keep documenting this adventure in life.  I would love to hear some adventures of yours as well, so either email or leave comment!

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