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Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Lately I’ve been reading The Ragamuffin Gospel and I love it.  It’s taking me awhile to get through it.  I started on my trip and have continued in little moments here and there.  I love books and reading.  By the time I finish this one I won’t remember what happened in the beginning and have to start all over again.  That is typical for me these days.
The other day I was reading a chapter and it talked about how God sees each of us.  And then it said something in a most profound, roundabout way. It was to the effect of; our hearts should break when we hear about the person in the car accident, the children dying of starvation in third world countries, and the ‘enemy’ our military is fighting.  When any one person dies, there are people that are affected.  There are family and friends, and even the person they passed each day, which are impacted.
I was thinking about the fact that each of us wants attention.  We want to be known and loved for who we are, and nothing else.  The amount of love songs and break up songs on the radio attests to this fact. And yet, we rarely grieve over the ‘enemy’ that dies in battle, the lost and searching souls.  We get wrapped up in our world and how it matters to us.  Each person, no matter what ethnic or theological background is a child and beloved of God.  The person that is different in every possible way from you was created by God to be just that…different.
Ok, now that I’ve totally made you think deep {and what is in my head probably didn’t come out the way I intended} let’s do a little life update.  I too want to be known and want to tell you about me. {I’m just being honest!}
I haven’t forgotten about the stories of my adventures In Western Europe.  To be honest I’ve barely looked at the pictures.  I am trying to settle back into life here in the States and picking up what I dropped in my wake. 
For those of you that don’t know, in the last couple of months I graduated from college, moved back home, am looking for a job, and trying to figure out what my community looks like for the time being. {Oh, and we should throw in the weddings that I’ve been in and attended.  There are some pretty special people that should get some blog time.}
To say that life is changing is an understatement. 
It’s beautiful, exciting, challenging and a bit overwhelming.
I’m being challenged to change my perspective and see my life now as a joyful journey of opportunities.  At least that is what I pray my attitude is becoming.
Join me in thinking outside your world, in maybe a way you haven’t before?  I cant wait to hear what you find

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Going, going... I was gone

The other day I sat in the seat.  Took some deep breaths.  Looked out the window and imagined what it would be like.  And then we took off and began to fly.
I have come up with so many tag lines, titles, and introductions for this post.  None do it justice.
On July 30th I had the phone on one ear, my mom sitting next to me, and a computer screen on which there was a button that said something to the effect of "buy now."  Ready? {deep breath} One, two, three... {click}  And there was the anti climatic screen showing all the other boxes to fill in.  But then there it was.
I had just purchased a ticket for a Europe.  
The other end of the phone line sighed.  I sighed.  My bank account was a little emptier, but there was so much to look forward to.
On September 3rd I to up in the darkness from a fitful sleep.  We grabbed our bulging backpacks and went off to the airport.  There are so many thoughts that went through my mind in that hour long drive to the airport.  But most were of excitement and I can’t believe I’m doing this thoughts.  I wanted to tell everyone in the airport.  I don’t just do this, this is not like me, but I’m doing it.  Look!  See?  
I mean, it’s not like I haven’t ever purchased a ticket before or flown.  But when I do it’s always a little bit nerve-racking.  Here I was with all these important papers on me, a train ticket, a passport, boarding pass, and I was just going to go to Europe.  
There was money in the bank and well, money in my pocket.  I had a friend by my side.
Most people said, "Good for you.  A little post graduation trip?"
Yes, well, by definition.  But no, just a trip.  With a friend.  Just an adventure
So about 2 months ago I bought a ticket and then a month later I got on a plane, and 3 weeks later I came back, and now I'm telling you about it.
I don’t know what it looks like to share, but I do know that I went on adventure.  In every adventure, there is a story.  I went on a whim to write a different piece of my story and I had a fabulous time.