Tabs {Pages}

Monday, November 19, 2012



I love reading the thoughts of another blogger named Hayley.  She is a woman who is a different place in life as a mom to almost 4 boys.  Yikes! I am inspired by and thinking because of her article called “Brave.”  I like to dream, but I don’t know if I am brave.  In a lot of ways I really am not.  I don’t like to fail.  And wow, do I not like others to know my failings.  I am learning.  I am learning how to open up.  And yes I fail.  Miserably.  I am exceptional at failure.  And it is teaching me that I need to let others know that I know that they will fail and that I will give grace and that I love them.  I need to learn how to communicate those things better.
A little deep for a Monday, but I feel so inspired by a conversation this morning and recent thoughts. 
Are you brave?

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely relate. I have an extreme fear of failure, that I have only recently been confronting. I am trying to be brave. {btw, I nominated you for an award, details are on my blog today}


Thanks for your sweet comment!